Tuesday 25 June 2024

Film No. 38. SIDONIE IN JAPAN (2024). 22nd June.

Film No. 38 (2024) June 22nd.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"Writing is what happens when you've got nothing left." (Sidonie answers Kenzo's question about why she writes).

NOMINEE: Giornade degli Autori Award (Elise Girard) Venice FF 2023.  NOMINEE: CineCoPro award (Elise Girard) Munich FF 2023.


Why has Japanese culture along with the actions and reactions of its people become so fascinating in the world of cinema? I'm not sure, but SIDONIE gives us yet another look into why this question is relevant. 

The gentle melding of French and Japanese cultures through the shared emotional baggage of grief and loneliness via Sidonie (Isabelle Huppert) and Kenzo (Tsuyoshi Ihara), anchors most of the narrative here. There is no drama to speak of. There are silent moments with much to say. SIDONIE casts a meditative spell in the vein of PAST LIVES. But this time with a ghost. Sidonie's dead husband is by her side as she steps into a new future.   

Due to the class of Huppert and the restraint of Ihara, the intended chemistry between the two fails. The fact that the film reverts to stills for their more intimate moments likely relates to this failing. SIDONIE is gentle, and gentleness, depending on your mood, may be just your tonic.  8GUMS



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