Saturday 22 June 2024

Film No. 36. THE MOUNTAIN (2024). 15th June.


Film No. 36 (2024) June 15th.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"You can be my sherpa. Carry all my things. Make it to the top first, and get none of the credit" (Sam suggests the pecking order in which she sees Mallory helping her to the top of The Mountain).

Is it me, or is the New Zealand film industry leading the way when it comes to creating juvenile coming of age cinematic stories? It could just be me, but BOY, THE HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, and now, THE MOUNTAIN,  have been great show pieces for this genre.

Rachael House, the highly decorated, comedic N.Z. performer makes her feature directorial debut with MOUNTAIN. Does she reach the "peaks" of WILDER or BOY? No, unfortunately not. Cancer patient Sam (Elizabeth Atkinson) fails to truly engage us in her quest to fulfil a mystic ambition to climb the cloud covered mountain which shadows her district. For me, it's all too earnest. Its sweetness wore me down. But I did like being in the company of the three leads; Sam, Mallory (Reuben Francis) and Bronco (Terrence Daniel).

Themes relating to health, family redemption, coming of age and testing resilience will always win the hearts of film lovers. However, THE MOUNTAIN, failed to create new concepts to add spice to its story. Rachael Harris will make better films.  7GUMS.       



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