Sunday 12 May 2024

Film No. 29. THE SWEET EAST (2024). 11th May.


Film No. 29 (2024) May 11th.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"You two are a complete pair of cosmopolitan snobs, you know that yeah?" (Ian suddenly realises where film-makers Molly and Matthew affiliations in the world we live in, lie).

WINNER: The Rising Star Award (Talia Ryder) Denver FF. WINNER: Jury Prize (Sean Price Williams) Deauville FF.

Has first time feature film-maker Sean Price Williams used the perfect conduit for telling this CUTTING story via the Alice in Wonderland trope? I'm not sure about perfect, but the idea is particularly clever, considering the theme.

The beautiful Lillian (Talia Ryder) is our Alice (even dressed so in the final scenes). Her innocence belies her ability to precure her needs as she wanders through her "looking glass" journey of self discovery. The backdrop to this vigil of hers is a broken America. She manipulates that brokenness with a cheeky, but self indulgent persona, which leads ultimately to mayhem. Williams cleverly maintains this tale with a deft satirical consistency. His concluding shot is a gem, and says it all!

Wouldn't it be great if Price Williams and writer Nick Pinkerton managed to attract a chunk of 22 to 38 year old right wing Republicans to this small masterpiece, and it dawned upon them, that their empire is falling. As fanciful a thought as the Lillian character itself, I imagine!  10GUMS.


Saturday 11 May 2024

Film No. 28. CHALLENGERS (2024). 9th May.


Film No. 28  (2023)  May 9th.  10:30 AM  PALACE Raine Sq, Cinema 3, Perth City.

"She's going to turn her whole family into millionaires." (Art makes a prediction about the future of a girl, Tashi, a tennis protégée he's besotted with.).

NOMINEE:  The Next Big Thing (Luca Guadagnino). Queerties FF (2024).

Is CHALLENGERS the smartest sports movie in recent times where the key theme is anything but sport? It deserves to be in that conversation. It's a shame the final 15 minutes bordered on being too smart for their own good.

The key to the depth and breadth of CHALLENGERS is in its construction. Luca Guadagnino (CALL ME BY YOUR NAME) builds tension slowly and methodically, going back and forward seamlessly in time frames. This love triangle is sexy, without being gratuitous. Zendaya (Tashi) provides the "steam" here. You never quite know where her real affections lie. She is the Queen Bee with a power serve.  

This is a solid film. The trailer gave me a preconceived notion that it would be a "not for me" flick. Thanks to the good taste of my daughters, I went. I'm glad they convinced me to go.  9 GUMS (10, with a less grating ending).


Tuesday 7 May 2024

Film No. 27. CIVIL WAR (2024). 2nd May.


Film No. 27  (2024) May 2nd.  10:00 AM  EVENT CINEMAS, Cine 16 Vmax,  Innaloo.

"With what we see on the news, it seems like it's for the best" (The jaw dropping comment from a retail assistant Lee and Sammy meet while passing through a small town trying to ignore the war).

NOMINEE: Audience Award (Alex Garland) SXSW Film Festival.

Is CIVIL WAR (CW) a comment about the imperative need for a free press, or, where Alex Garland (EX MACHINA) believes the United States is headed? I think more the latter, but he undoubtedly has strong feelings about the former.

So while CW is a riveting, entertaining watch there is much to be frightened about as the road movie wends its way from California to DC  across a country in turmoil. Garland uses the backdrop of civil war (Trump like residue, maybe) to knit a rollicking good story using a series of scenes that grow in tension as our press "go getters", including a work experience rookie,  move towards a destiny (The White House) that may not end well. 

Kirsten Dunst as Lee, Cailee Spaeny as rookie Jessie, and Stephen McKinley as senior "minister for common sense," Sammy  are heroes worth barracking for. The real scene stealer, however, is Jesse Plemons. Oh, he'll menace you, I guarantee it! I'm not sure the ending complements the brilliance that has gone before, but CIVIL WAR is a good yarn.  10GUMS.



Monday 6 May 2024

Film No. 26. THE FALL GUY (2024). 22th April.


Film No. 26  (2024) April 22nd.  6:30 PM  EVENT CINEMAS, Cine 16 Vmax,  Innaloo.

"You're a stuntman, no one is going to notice, it is your job" (Agent Gail instructs Colt on the ridiculous assignment he is to carry out for the sake of the film).

NOMINEE: Most Anticipated film (Sam Taylor-Johnson) BBFF.


Is this a film to give stunt addicts their fill of something they can't get enough of at the cinema? Probably, seeing there wasn't much here for cinema goers with a love of stories, well told! 

Gosling and Blunt have some chemistry on screen as lovers, via a silly premise. There are some smart, humorous moments in the first 45 minutes. Even a couple of LOL quips give hope of something special. But it's all in the action set pieces under the competent eye of David Leitch (ATOMIC BLONDE, BULLET TRAIN) that sets the mould for THE FALL GUY (TFG).

Ultimately TFG is high octane tosh, brilliantly choreographed for artists (stunt-people) who risk their lives, worldwide, on a daily basis, so big name stars can take all the credit. Just a pity the script feels like it could have been written by a twelve year old.  7GUMS.