Saturday 15 June 2024

Film No. 35. THE CONVERT (2024). 8th June.


Film No. 35 (2024) June 8th.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"It is a frightening thing, that, knowing one day a great price may be demanded of us" (Munro delivers a eulogy during his passage at sea. His words may well prove profound for his own life passage).

NOMINEE: Most Anticipated Feature (Lee Tamahori) NZ Film Offerings 2024.

Does one of the industry's most popular actors, in this case, Guy Pearce, elevate a film like THE CONVERT (TC) to being a very watchable, melodramatic, period drama? Yes, most certainly. Pearce carries this film single-handedly, excepting the images of NZ's rugged coastal beauty!! 

ONCE WERE WARRIORS' director, Lee Tamahori, is a proud Maori artist who always attracts a crowd. To tell a story in a time when his ancestors fought tribal wars (Muskat Wars 1830's) while colonials provided weapons for cash without favour, takes courage and artistic daring. The film is a melodrama set in must see New Zealand coastal landscapes, and incorporating immaculate set design. It is worth seeing for these qualities alone. 

Good melodrama needs key leads. Guy Pearce as preacher Munro and indigenous new comer Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne as Rangimai give us a sturdy handle on this entertaining romp. Pearce sits astride a silver steed to prove his hero status. TC is a solid flick.  9GUMS.


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