Saturday 15 June 2024

Film No. 35. THE CONVERT (2024). 8th June.


Film No. 35 (2024) June 8th.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"It is a frightening thing, that, knowing one day a great price may be demanded of us" (Munro delivers a eulogy during his passage at sea. His words may well prove profound for his own life passage).

NOMINEE: Most Anticipated Feature (Lee Tamahori) NZ Film Offerings 2024.

Does one of the industry's most popular actors, in this case, Guy Pearce, elevate a film like THE CONVERT (TC) to being a very watchable, melodramatic, period drama? Yes, most certainly. Pearce carries this film single-handedly, excepting the images of NZ's rugged coastal beauty!! 

ONCE WERE WARRIORS' director, Lee Tamahori, is a proud Maori artist who always attracts a crowd. To tell a story in a time when his ancestors fought tribal wars (Muskat Wars 1830's) while colonials provided weapons for cash without favour, takes courage and artistic daring. The film is a melodrama set in must see New Zealand coastal landscapes, and incorporating immaculate set design. It is worth seeing for these qualities alone. 

Good melodrama needs key leads. Guy Pearce as preacher Munro and indigenous new comer Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne as Rangimai give us a sturdy handle on this entertaining romp. Pearce sits astride a silver steed to prove his hero status. TC is a solid flick.  9GUMS.


Monday 10 June 2024

Film No. 34. TREASURE .. Palace Aust. German Film Festival (2024). 5th June.


Film No. 34  (2023)  June 5th.  6:45 PM  PALACE Raine Sq, Cinema 3, Perth City.

"What you and your father do on this trip. It is not easy" (Warsaw local and newly found friend Karolina confides in Ruth).

NOMINEE:  Best Spanish Film (Patricia Font) Sant Jordi Awards.

Is TREASURE an inoffensive, sometimes amusing road movie depicting a father and daughter gradually unfurling a deeper love and respect for who they are and where they have come from? Yes, but more innocuous than inoffensive. 

While TREASURE plays out like a daughter's real life road adventure (Poland 1991) with a father she has never really known, this is only partially true. From the imagination of Lilly Brett (novelist), German director Julia von Heinz has created a quirky film which works in parts, but misfires in the main. Daughter Ruth (Lena Dunham) and father Edek, (Stephen Fry) grow on us as the ultimate odd couple, leading to a minor lump in the throat ending.

Brett's mother and father were holocaust (Auschwitz) survivors. Too Many Men, (the book TREASURE is loosely based on) uses aspects of  the "field trip" to Poland that Brett took with her father.  I've seen worse father/daughter road to redemption films.  8GUMS.     


Thursday 6 June 2024

Film No. 33. FROM HILDE, WITH LOVE (IN LIEBE EURE HILDI) Palace (Aust) German FF (2024). 3rd June.


Film No. 33 (2024) June 3rd.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 5,  Leederville.

"To not be afraid anymore." (Hilde answers the question of lover Hans, a question asking her to reveal her wish).

NOMINEE: Best Film (Andreas Dresen) Golden Bear, Berlin FF.

Is a heart-felt cinematic story more moving when it is based on a true story, particularly where war is the backdrop? In just about every case, yes, most definitely. HILDE will have you bawling your eyes out.

The story of a bookish looking Hildi Coppi becoming a naïve participant in the German resistance (The Red Orchestra) in 1942 which lead to her trial as a traitor, and then her subsequent execution, forms the spine of this story. It's the power Liv Lisa Fries exudes through Hilde, (a lover, a mother to a new born, and then a carer to fellow inmates) which builds to the power of the ending. Andeas Dresen (GUNDERMANN) brings off another brilliantly layered film. 

In 2009 the German parliament pardoned those tried for crimes as members of The Red Orchestra. What took them so long? My heart continues to bleed for the likes of Hilde. See the film, and yours to will bleed.  11GUMS.



Tuesday 4 June 2024

Film No. 31. HESITATION WOUND (2024). 25th May.


Film No. 31 (2024) May 25th.  11:00 AM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"Only I can save Musa, your honour. That is why I'm here." (Canan takes the bit between her teeth and approaches the judge in the lobby of the courts).

NOMINEE:  WINNER: Grand Jury Prize; Narrative Feature (Babak Jalali) Independent Film Festival of Boston.

Who doesn't like a courtroom drama? But a courtroom drama told in a country (Turkey) not synonymous with traditional story telling of the legal kind - that is the magic that bleeds from HESITATION WOUND.

Selman Nacar showed us in, BETWEEN TWO DAWNS, that he likes to take us into a world where middle class, good people make stressful decisions which they make without fear or favour. Here solicitor, Canan (Tulin Ozen) is our champion. She is passionately persuasive over the innocence of her client, Musa (Ogulcan Arman Uslu). It's a murder wrap and she is also dealing with a corrupt legal system, and a dying mother. Despite her competent, intelligent nature - how does she cope? 

Nacar tells dense, emotionally charged stories in 85 to 90 minutes. He takes us to a country we love for its exotic offerings, but we rarely get opportunities to view  its social challenges. He is a seriously good film-maker.  10GUMS.


Film No. 32. THE TEACHER WHO PROMISED THE SEA (The Palace SPANISH FF 2024). 29th May.


Film No. 32  (2023)  May 29th.  6:30 PM  PALACE Raine Sq, Cinema 6, Perth City.

"The more Emilio learns at school, the more opinions he will have in the future." (Benaiges tries, in vain, to convince a father of the values of education for his son).

NOMINEE:  Best Spanish Film (Patricia Font) Sant Jordi Awards.

Does this beautifully told story give a sense of how a man such as Jesus Christ influenced people's lives in a way that both enriched and frightened people? Perhaps it is a long bow to draw, but this humble teacher's story brought that comparison  to my mind.

The story of Antonio Benaiges, (Enric Augua) is full of, TO SIR WITH LOVE moments, as we meet him through the reflections of an ex-student; the grand father of Ariadna, (Laio Costa) who is searching for what became of her great grandfather. Antonio's radical teaching methods (e.g. the use of small print presses) where children expressed their interests, and told their stories, would have horrendous repercussions on the eve of the Spanish Civil War. The real story here, is held in the flashback sequences. 

So, why did director Patricia Font use contemporary times to start and finish the story of Benaiges? I'm not sure, it is a distraction, and only works marginally. The power of this film is in Augua's work as Benaiges, the teacher who promised the sea, for sure!   10GUMS.