Friday 25 October 2019

No. 94. (2019) Happy Sad Man. October 22nd.

Film No 94 (2019) Oct. 22nd.  6:30 PM  LUNA PALACE Leederville. 

"That's a good question for anyone, isn't it. Would you hang out with yourself?" (John reacts to a question from director Bailey asking if he happened to meet himself, would he be happy to hangout with that person?).

Any film bringing to the fore issues related to a better understanding of men's mental health can't be all bad. The more society gains and maintains tolerance and compassion for the silent illnesses of anti-social behaviour, bipolar disorder and manic depression, the more people will engage and pay attention. Genevieve Bailey (I Am Eleven) uses five characters to highlight the reality of their struggles. John is her favourite subject, a self confessed hippy (Australia's first in his words) who has many regrets about his life due to his depressive behaviour and the effect it has had on his family. All of Bailey's subjects have a unique appeal, ranging from surfer Grant who has created a world-wide charity to David a comedian and artist with a unique range of Dog Perfume to maybe the least featured but most interesting, for me, Ivan who travels his home state of Victoria just listening to blokes.  These characters give Happy Sad Man a lasting depth. The film does rambling at times, is sometimes disjointed but if it pricks the conscience and motivates action in just one viewer then Bailey will be ecstatic. I'm betting Happy Sad Man will indeed prick a conscience or two. 9GUMS.         


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