Thursday 10 October 2019

No. 87. (2019) The Portal. October 5th.

Film No 87 (2019) Oct. 5th.  11:00 AM  LUNA PALACE Leederville. 

"What would happen if 7 billion people all meditated? Could it shift the trajectory of the planet?" (The question asked on the posters of The Portal to promote a film that tests it's audience's psyche).

Mindfulness is a buzzword in modern society at the moment. The Portal encourages rather than educates it's audience in the practical advantages in taking care of oneself psychologically in relation to living a less stressful life. Six people (including an artificial intelligence robot) become the vehicles for these lofty aims. All of the human subjects have experienced different but stressful events in their lives and each has dealt with those stresses using similar methods. Taking time out to go within (psychologically), then in more practical terms reaching out to others to do good is a common behaviour. While this first feature by Jacqui Fifer has a big heart I'm not sure there is a plethora of new material, after all Buddhism is a life choice so many of the world's population has already adopted. The one fascination however was "Sophia the Robot" who was programmed to only exude love and goodwill. Unfortunately it was the subject least explored in The Portal. The film does serve as a healthy life-lesson reminder to the limited audience this film is likely to reach. 8GUMS.       

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