Tuesday 22 October 2019

No. 91. (2019) Working Woman. October 15th.

Film No. 91 (2019) October 15th.  10:20 AM PALACE CINEMAS Kino Collins St. Melb.


"Orna is an asset for anyone who wants to hire her." The statement Orna reads from her CV (which she wrote herself) that she  now requires her boss Benny to sign, as reinforcement to all she committed to his business.

A sterile but effective Israeli cinematic contribution to the #MeToo phenomenon. Orna (Liron Ben-Shlush)needs to return to the workforce because the lack of turnover in the restaurant she and her husband, Ofer (Oshri Cohen), opened is financially crippling them. Orna can hardly believe her good fortune as Benny (Mesashe Noy), her new boss, showers bonuses and a promotion upon her as she proves herself to be an astute international sales executive for his upmarket apartment complex. Or is Benny just infatuated with Orna's professional demeanor, accentuated by her good looks? He simply won't take no for an answer as he continually makes advances on Orna, seemingly during her most vulnerable moments. Directed by Michal Aviad (Invisible) Working Woman hardly wastes a scene and in 93 minutes she makes her point and reminds the world that real equality in every workplace is something we should all strive for. 9GUMS.


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