Thursday 15 August 2024

Film No. 53. STRANGE DARLING 14th August.


Film No. 53 (2024) August 14th.  6:30 PM  LUNA CINEMA, Cinema 1,  Leederville.

"Do you have any idea what kind of risks a girl like me has to take every time she agrees to have a little fun?" (In the film's first scene, The Lady asks a question of her courter in the dark of night in the midst of a one-night-stand).

 WINNER: Best Director (JT Mollner) Bucheon Fantastic FF. 

How often do we see films that can be thoroughly appreciated, but not necessarily liked? Not terribly often but, for me, STRANGE DARLING (SD) sits in this category; very definitely.

Well, let's begin with the things to be admired. SD is very sharply paced and sprinkles its reveals and twists, cleverly (told in chapters, randomly). It is shot in 35mm stock which gives the depth of colour, action and menace that director JT Mollner seeks. His manipulative techniques are exquisite.  Willa Fitzgerald (The Lady) and Kyle Gallner (The Man) have great chemistry. So, what's not to like? It's the gratuitous violence, set in a naturalistic pallet. Blood and the spilling of it in liberal smatterings, is abundant. Simple, really! 

This will not stop me seeking out Mollner films in the future. SD, is but his second feature, however I fear his schtick is, "blood and gore". Big studios will be taking an interest in JT, he can take that to the bank - definitely!  10GUMS (Art/Design)   6GUMS (Liked).


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