Thursday 14 October 2021

No. 81 (2021) THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS. OCT. 10th.


Film No. 81 (2021)  October 10th.  3:10 PM   Cinema 4  LUNA,  Leederville. 

"David, I love you. You love me. We'll try to figure this thing out"(Nikki discusses their complicated situation, in uncomplicated terms, during one of David's visits).

THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS is so brilliant that there were times I thought I was watching a compelling documentary about the social ramifications of one specific marriage in crisis. The realism director Robert Machoian captures here is raw; as raw as the cold bleak landscape (Utah) it is shot in. 

How do we exist in the pocket of David (Clayne Crawford) as he deals with his self inflicted, tumultuous life? By observing small moments, all of which add up to a deeper significance, that's how. Small moments which show the deep affection he has for his four children. He is not at home where he should be. He loves wife Nikki (Sepideh Moafi). She loves him, but he can't be under the same roof. It's complicated. 

The opening scene reflects how complicated life is for David. It is disturbing and has potential for utterly catastrophic consequences. At the time we don't know how we will connect with David, or if in fact it is possible that we might. It is all a part of the magic of this deeply affecting film.

But there is so much more to THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS. The soundtrack of thumping crescendos keeps us on edge. The fact that jealousy is building like a volcano within David makes us deeply pessimistic for the family. We hate feeling this because of the connection we have built with Nikki and the four children. Those small moments (scenes) have given us affection for them.

THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS is an example of thoughtful, independent film-making. It is the sort of film made with love and few dollars ($20,000 maybe). I know the sort of people I'd recommend this film to. It was recommended to me by a friend who knows my tastes. I'm extremely glad he insisted that I should see it. 11GUMS.



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