Wednesday 29 July 2020

No. 42. (2020) DEERSKIN. July 25th.

Film No. 42 (2020)  July 25th.  11:00 AM.  Cinema 1 LUNA Leederville.

"I need action. I need blood". (Denis demands a certain type of content from Georges if she is going to edit films with a certain edge).

Could Deerskin be one of the most strongly imaged environmentalists symbol for reform there is? Or just a concept devised of hallucinogen induced story telling? It's not likely to be the second option, but the thought did cross my mind. We meet Georges (Jean Dupieux) driving, wearing a smart, but bland corduroy jacket. He's fed up with it and the first sign we get that we will be in the hands of a delusional man is when he tries to flush his jacket down the toilet of a freeway stop-over. He acquires a deerskin jacket from a man who can't believe his luck when Georges is prepared to pay thousands of euro for it. As part of the deal, the guy throws in an outdated digital video camera. So now, combining the concept of Georges wanting to be the only jacket wearing person on Earth and the fact he has a camera making him a film-maker, Georges is really in a world of his own. But is he alone? It would seem not. He meets Adele Haenel playing Denise. Would you believe it, Denise wants to edit Georges films. I'm telling too much. It's doing my head in thinking about the point of Quentin Dupieux's film. He made Rubber (2010) the high concept story of a homicidal car-tyre. He's an ideas man. Definitely. Environmentalists are going to love the ending ...... well for a bit anyway! I was mesmerized by Deerskin. There are people who believe Deerskin to be pointless crap. Each to their own, but I know where they're coming from! (8GUMS).



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