Monday 20 July 2020

No. 40. (2020) BABYTEETH. July 18th.

Film No. 40 (2020)  July 18th.  11:00 AM.  Cinema 1 LUNA Leederville.

"This is the worst possible parenting I can imagine". (Anna says these words as she and Henry observe, through their kitchen window, Milla and Moses frolicking on their back lawn).

Director Shannon Murphy has created a deeply affecting film in Babyteeth. Be warned however, there are themes depicting suicide, terminal illness and drug taking which will hit home for people who have experienced what Anna (Essie Davis), Henry (Ben Mendelsohn) and Milla (Eliza Scanlen) have on-screen. The thing is, film is all about creating an experience so when we become a part of Milla's world, from scene one, we sense her world is full of impulsive decision making and living on the edge. We soon learn why! But it's her parents Henry and Anna who make for the most interesting subjects. It's their behaviour related to their plight which continues to flood my thoughts 48 hours after the titles finished rolling. I realize I've told little of the story but Babyteeth is less a riveting story and more an experience. I'm a father, I've been lucky, my two girls are happy and healthy, my wife and I appreciate the luck bestowed upon us, so far; Babyteeth helps parents to appreciate what they have. This is Shannon Murphy's first feature, it's a triumph and another example of Australia's talent pool. Oh, I haven't even mentioned Toby Wallace, a rising star, who brings a whirlwind of a performance as Moses. Moses presents a feel good quality to give Babyteeth an extra dimension. 11GUMS.



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