Tuesday 26 March 2019

No. 25 (2019) mid90s. March 18th.

Film No 25 (2019) March 18th.  6:45 AM  LUNA PALACE Leederville. 

"You're so cute, you're at that age before guys become dicks". (Estee seduces Stevie in another of his rapid transition into adolescence).

There has always been something expansive and surprising about Jonah Hill's acting range. After mid90's I'm convinced he is a filmmaker with a similar range. mid90s, like Eighth Grade, captures the anxiety of wanting, then doing all within one's power, to belong. Perhaps one of human nature's most widely experienced anxieties. Enter Stevie (Sunny Suljic) a young man hemmed in by brother Ian (Lucas Hedges) and single mum Dabney (Kath Waterson) and in a hurry to fast forward to adolescence. He eyes off the group of his choice in a skateboard shop. The mixture of easy language (improvised at times) mixed with subtle dramas relating to territory, and ranking in the group, makes for 95 minutes of fresh cinema. Some of the skating is thrilling. Ray (Na-kel Smith) holds the key to some of those thrills and the film's deeper philosophies. Families prone to taking a risk in their love for cine art should take a risk with mid90's. 9GUMS.


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