Tuesday 4 August 2015

Film No. 55 (2015) Life In A Fishbowl. 28th July.

Film No. 55 (2015) July 28th.  6.30 PM LUNA Paradiso, Northbridge. 

"And he didn't stop until I was fifteen". (Eik addresses her mother at the death bed of her grandfather.


  Life In A Fishbowl(Vonarstraeti)


This mesmerizing film from Iceland will have you thinking for hours afterwards. While some of the subject matter is not pleasant, the wonderful manner in which we journey into the lives of Eik, Mori and Solvi leaves us wondering why more 140 minute films can't make it seem like only an hour has passed.

Eik (Hera Hilmar) is a single mum. She earns her money as a prostitute working in the evenings, usually with repeat clients and as a childcare worker by day. It suits her lifestyle as she cares for her 8 year old daughter; a daughter with whom she shares a very loving relationship. Premium money earned in a short time span fulfills her priorities. Mori (Porsteinn Bachmann) is a legendary Icelandic author, although our first glimpse of him belies this fact. He is alcohol dependent and looks like a bum. He has a past which weighs heavily on his demeanor. Finally Solvi (Thor Kristjansson) completes the triangle as the ex soccer star who has been fast tracked into the world of banking but whos' morals are still intact. 

The intelligent script blends the characters into each others lives most gently and with depth. There are scenes which may seem a little too coincidental or even convenient but the very best stories suffer the same consequence, however because the story telling is so good we rarely complain. 

Life in a Fishbowl is a tale that holds the mirror up to the world's inhabitants as the GFC is striking. Iceland felt the early effects and in Fishbowl our three characters are trying to live their lives to certain standards but facing trying circumstances and moral tests along the way. Much like us all! This will surely be in my best 5 films this year. 11GUMS       



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