Thursday, 7 December 2023

Film No. 88 (2023) UPROAR. 27th Nov.


Film No. 88  (2023)  November 27th.  6:40 PM  LUNA Windsor,  Cine 2, Nedlands.


"Out here is the real world. Everything is different. You've got to be different!" (Josh get some life advice from big brother Jamie).

Josh (Julian Dennison) is a unique character. He's a bully's delight especially in the setting of a "prestige" boys school. So how does he cope? How does he come of age? How does he give as good as he gets, and  grow via a supportive family and a zany teacher? Well, UPROAR will provide answers for all of those questions. At 110 minutes the answers are somewhat long winded, but the lift you'll get from Josh's "ride" as a 17 year old in 1981 Dunedin is well worth the watch. 

Like BOY, and HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, UPROAR proudly trumpets the pride New Zealanders' have for who they are; a proud, compassionate people who, in the main, practice what they preach. UPROAR definitely exposes themes of care and thoughtfulness for others. From a message POV it probably over-preaches, but the performances of Minnie Driver (Josh's Mum), Rhys Darby (Brother Madigan) and James Rolleston (James, Josh's brother) never outstay their welcome.

The stunning university, and port city of Dunedin on New Zealand's east also plays a key role. Many outdoor shots could be mistaken as blatant tourism "product placement". Who cares? The product, New Zealand, is  worth experiencing. UPROAR will stir many emotions, which hopefully engage all that is good about us and our interactions with others. And while the film has its flaws, it will entertain you; "watch it bro!"   9GUMS.       



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