Monday, 12 September 2022



Film No. 74 (2022)  September 5th.  6:45 PM  PALACE Cinema 6,  Raine Square,  Perth City.


"The plate is like a blank canvas. A painter uses colours, a chef uses ingredients." (Consuelo begins to try to convince her kitchen hands that creating food is an art).

Nominee Best Comedy; Best Actress (Greta Scarano) & Best Actor (Salvatore Esposito) at the Nastri d'Argento Awards 2022.

Once again, here is a silly film, of a genre that is done well so often by the Italians or the French. In this case the Italians meld the violence of Mafioso cruelty with comedy bordering on slapstick vaudeville.

In this, Davide Minnella's second feature, he has a brilliant eye for dramedy but with a twist or two along the way. Minnella has said his favourite film of all time is RATATOUILLE, the animation classic from Disney/Pixar. But Greta Scarano resembles in no way Gusteau the rat who can cook. Her Consuelo is a chef with "spunk" who forms an unlikely alliance with The Mafioso in the form of lovable Carmine (Salvatore Esposito). Casting is THE PERFECT DINNER'S biggest asset.

The mafia theme may seem a little serious for a silly drama about a budding chef proving her worth. Especially if the repercussion for bad business is death. The audience is never in doubt that they are watching a farce. A sharply written and cut farce. And as with all films with strong food themes there are the delicious images of food. Wow, there are many scenes of brilliantly created food!

Go have some fun with LA CENA PERFETTA. 9GUMS.  



1 comment:

  1. May be farcical, but I loved it. As the characters say, cooking is the ultimate form of art and there is so much to enjoy amongst the silliness. A great cast
