Wednesday, 1 June 2022

No. 39 (2022) WETLAND (EL LODO) May 22nd.


Film No. 39 (2022)  May  22nd.  4.00 PM   Cinema 6.  LUNA,  Leederville.


"You are local. Your family come from this land. I knew your father. We can trust you Ricardo". (Eusebio reinforces his belief that Ricardo can implement change).

This Spanish story, shot on the unique Albufera Lagoon in Valencia, will strike fear into the hearts of pro climate change advocates; more specifically in those who proactively work towards change. The problem is, this film's message is diluted due to it's overlong run-time.

El Lodo translates to The Mud in English. It's a damp, dark translation which suits the pressure cooker atmosphere that is EL LODO. WETLAND is the English title, driven by distributors, for marketing purposes. There is no HIGH NOON ending here. And yet it's a film that promises hope but delivers pessimism of the dampest and darkest kind.  

Ricardo (Raul Arevalo) is a water scientist. He has had recent success rejuvenating a "tired" wetland in Brazil. He once lived in this community and it's a time in his life where he, wife Claudia (Paz Vega) and daughter Julia can recuperate from a tragic loss. The plot sets up for an exhilarating and feel-good ending. What eventuates is quite different. The powder-keg of anxious foreboding becomes the tapestry by which second time feature director Inaki Sanchez (ZERO) weaves his tale.

Whether its the old adage that directors don't know how to cut sequences they have fallen in love with, I'm unsure, but EL LODO has atmosphere and a take on climate change we need to be reminded of. Sadly, it just gets bogged in THE MUD!  7GUMS.



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