Friday 24 December 2021

No. 103 (2021) DON'T LOOK UP. Dec. 19th.


Film No. 103 (2021)  December 19th.  6.30 PM   Cinema 7.  LUNA,  Leederville. 

"Well the handsome astronomer can come back any time, but the yelling lady, not so much ."(News anchor Brie Evantree talks to camera after news is broken on screen that Earth is doomed).

Adam McKay does the lot. He writes, directs,  produces and  acts. He is a clever creator. His film, THE BIG SHORT, presents the best explanation there is as to the reason for the GFC of 2007/08. It's a clever film maker who can nail an explanation so succinctly. He set the path for blockbuster T.V. series SUCCESSION by directing the first episode. DON'T LOOK UP, his latest feature film, is much awaited. It has been worth the wait.

There have been so many Donald Trump spoofs or "piss takes" over recent times. Most were visual, for obvious reasons, but DON'T LOOK UP has a new take. What if a Trump like president, (in this case a female, Meryl Streep), were to be in charge as a meteor careered, uncontrollably towards our planet? McKay toys here with this premise. Typically there are some hit and miss moments eg. the Elon Musk-like character (played by Mark Rylance) using the meteor as an added resource which he believes he can tap into to increase his wealth. 

There are a plethora of big stars in DLU. While I'd love to have seen Rylance recast, the film remains a hoot. Dr Randall Mindy  (Leo DiCaprio) along with fledgling scientist Kate Diabiasky (Jennifer Lawrence) are the messengers of bad tidings. They discover the comet and its trajectory. Naively they believe this news needs to be conveyed immediately to President Orlean, (Streep). Their innocence in such matters beggars belief!

McKay throws absurd sketches (not unlike live Trump cross-overs) at us, which are Pythonesque in nature. Politics crossing media lines and visa versa is at the seat of most of the humour. Cate Blanchette's, Brie Evantee, a manufactured blonde news desk star, optimises the news reporting for the masses. She is voracious in her efforts to seduce Dr Mindy. Surely the incorruptible will not give in? Cate's Brie surely tests that theory. It's a strand that is a film highlight.  

The richness of McKay's script requires a second viewing. That is of course if you rate the film in the first place. Jonah Hill for instance is the son of president Orlean. He is her key advisor. Yes, I know what you're thinking! His deadpan responses are a major reason for my return visit. The film is rich with ideas and innuendo. McKay melds VICE with ANCHORMAN. An interesting combo, but it works.  9GUMS.   




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