Monday 10 August 2020

No. 47. (2020) UNHINGED August 10th.


Film No. 47 (2020) August 10th.  12:15 PM  EVENT CINEMAS  Innaloo.

"I don't have anything to apologize for" (Mmmmmmm .. Rachel says the words she will regret).


This nasty little (trying for blockbuster tag) drama, masquerading as a film with a life lesson (be careful who you honk while in traffic) is the last thing our society needs. This film has been described by distributors as escapism; what a joke! An overly portly (obese) Russell Crowe (can't remember his character name) trying to look menacing, grunts and all, creates mayhem because he's upset at a mum and son who honk while waiting for him to move at a green-light. There are no new cinematic techniques on show, creating the tension is unoriginal, even immature and the gratuitous violence is simply senseless. We know what the outcome will be, but was the brutality along the way a must? A mate asked me to accompany him to this "tosh". He will remain a mate but I have insisted that I will choose our next shared cinematic experience. I have promised him a film of substance. After Unhinged, it won't be hard to find. 1GUM.



  1. What is the difference between this a no country for old men. The latter was more violent and won the oscar

  2. No Country For Old Men has original atmosphere and tension, Unknown. Unhinged has cliched brute force and ignorance as its premise. No Country earned money for its producers and creators ($50M), Unhinged broke even. People voted with their feet. Unhinged in the hands of The Cohen Brothers might have changed things. That's the difference!

  3. Nothing worse than a film snob. This is a popcorn escapist romp not a French art house offering so ignore the pretentious comments and enjoy.
