Thursday 14 April 2016

Film No. 25 (2016) Deadpool. April 13th.

Film No. 25 (2016) April 13th.  9.30 PM GREATER UNION Innaloo.


"Looks are everything. You ever heard David Beckham speak? It's like he mouth-sexed a can of helium. Think Ryan Reynolds got this far on his superior acting method?" (Wade Wilson talks of his disfigurement caused by his arch enemy). 

Deadpool is officially the highest grossing R rated movie to open in the U.S. That is quite an achievement in these times of numerous opening weekends for any number of heavily marketed blockbuster films not to mention those of the super hero variety. So why should this be so?


Well that's easy. Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) has come to the screen as a crass, smart talking dude with super powers, a flawed frogman's suit (much in the vein of Kick-Ass), an unoriginal story-line but with a very original, sharp script. The story goes that as age groups 18 to 60 (particularly 18 - 35's) saw the film their fingers got tapping and social media played its part. Fox was blown away with the strength of the opening.


Outlining the plot-line for Deadpool is pointless. The fare is standard, even the love interest Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) is one dimensional. Starting the film two thirds into the narrative works but it's all been done before. Quite simply we follow D/P on his quest to extract revenge form the "tool" who disfigured him. In this contribution to comic mayhem Ryan Reynolds gives his all. He's got most of the lines, there is a rhythm to his delivery and we can't wait for Deadpool's next antic.


Director Tim Miller (2IC in Kick-Ass) plus writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (both of Zombieland fame) combine to freshen up a tired genre. Hats off to Reynolds who "died" in Green Lantern. It's risky returning to a genre you've failed at once before. He even 'takes the piss' out of himself as he breaks the 4th wall on occasions here. I'm still chuckling 2 days on at some of his banter. But be warned if you are easily offended it's R rated for a reason.  10GUMS. 





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