Sunday 10 September 2017

Film No. 63 (2017) Killing Ground August 31st.

Film No. 63 (2017) September 1st.  6.30 PM LUNA PALACE, Leederville.  

"Killing Ground has balls. I can't say I've seen anything this brutal presented so elegantly" (Promotional blurb first seen during the film's launch at Sundance).

Here is a nasty little independent thriller set in the Australian bushland. Be warned, it's unsettling because that is Killing Ground's purpose. First time film maker Damian Power has a future in making tense cinema. His use of different time phases focusing around an idyllic campsite never has us confused once the rhythm of tension via the smart script takes hold. Aaron Pederson (German) takes a break from good guy roles. The risk he takes pays off, he's a major reason why audiences will be unsettled. The toughest little toddler you'll ever witness on screen nearly steals the show and keeps us guessing.  10GUMS. 

1 comment:

  1. This film was garbage. It got me hooked, had suspense and kept me interested but any good story teller knows that the ending is what people remember. None of the characters were likable or really even developed properly. This film had one of the worst endings I have ever seen. What kind of idiot writer or director thought it was a good idea to finish the film that way? If the ending was even remotely satisfactory I would have given it 3 stars despite the shoddy camera work. It's too bad we can't give it 0 stars. An ending like that erases anything good that came before it. Lazy storytelling pure and simple.
